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Local Findlay OH Podiatrist Offers Foot And Ankle Health Tips

By Kenya Saab

The majority of foot complaints can be avoided by practising good hygiene and using common sense. Existing foot problems can usually be resolved with non-invasive medical care if addressed in their initial stages. A Findlay podiatrist offers the following tips for preventing foot and ankle injuries and diseases.

Wear the appropriate shoe for the activity. Invest in protective footwear before participating in a sport or trying out a new form of exercise. There is no such thing as an all-purpose athletic shoe. Footwear designed with the right kind of ankle support, cushioning and tread can help to prevent injuries such as plantar fasciitis, tendonitis and sprained ligaments.

Reserve glamorous fashion footwear for special occasions. Narrow shoes with high heels and pointed toes are a common cause of blisters, calluses, metatarsalgia and bunions. Drinking and dancing in heels over two inches high greatly increases the risk of ankle injuries. When going out in trendy stilettos, bring along a pair of comfortable flats.

Trim your toenails straight across. Cut the top evenly with a nail clipper, leaving some white nail visible above the bed. Trimming down the sides can lead to ingrown toenails. Cutting toenails too short can make them more vulnerable to fungal infections. Anyone with poor circulation or diabetes should have their toenails cut by a trained health care professional.

Inspect your feet for signs of disease. Thickened, yellowed or crumbling toenails could be caused by a fungal infection called onychomycosis. Moist, cracked skin between the toes or flaky, scaly soles of the feet are symptoms of athlete's foot. Red swellings on the toes or sides of the feet could develop into painful corns or bunions.

The Findlay podiatrist recommends that people with foot or ankle problems seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity. Home remedies are rarely successful and could even exacerbate the condition. Seemingly minor injuries or infections can progress into serious foot disorders.

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