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The Fundamentals Of Trauma Healing San Diego CA

By Stephen Reed

When someone has been through a lot of trauma in their lives, it can be difficult to navigate their way through the basic activities on a day to day basis. One often just wants to stay in bed the whole day. It can be difficult to manage a home, see to the children and go to work. Trauma healing San Diego CA is necessary when someone has been suffering in this way.

Not dealing with the trauma will lead to further complications in one's life. The person may turn to drugs or alcohol. This can provide them with a sense of comfort. It can numb the pain that they are experiencing. They will take their rage out on their family members. They will withdraw and isolate themselves from family and friends. They will become depressed and anxious.

A lot of people enter therapy, not knowing that they have been through a traumatic experience. These memories may have been repressed due to a childhood episode, such as abuse. They would have blocked it out of their mind. It is only when someone goes to therapy for something like depression or anxiety that these emotions start to come to the surface.

It is necessary to start to talk about the trauma in one's life. Of course, this is never easy. A lot of people are not comfortable talking to someone that they don't know, especially when they have problems trusting people. However, over time, they begin to connect the therapist. They will develop a unique relationship with this person and this is where healing takes place.

There are many ways in dealing with the healing process. Some people are less expressive, and they benefit from the creative process. The mind and body work together, and one also benefits from working non-verbally. They will find that they feel a greater sense of freedom once they start to express themselves in a more creative way.

Many therapists are available outside of the sessions as well. This can come in the form of email of texts, which is very useful. A lot of patients find that they are in a state of panic or that they have a crisis on their hands. It is reassuring to know that they can send a text to the therapist, knowing that they are there to listen to them.

Children can benefit from this form of therapy in San Diego CA, because they struggle to open up initially. They will often have issues with trust, especially when they have been abused by another adult. They are very honest in the creative process, and therapist is able to get a better idea of what they are going through by looking at their art projects.

Children who have been abused, may use a lot of dark colors in their art projects. Family members may not be smiling. There are often no doors or windows on the family home which they draw. Their behavior and emotions start to change as they begin to draw and paint. They will also complete their art projects very quickly compared to a child who is very healthy and stable.

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